The Tides for today at Pwllheli are shown here.
For a longer term guide on the tides at Pwllheli please click on the month below for a day by day report .
The tide curve on the calendar will provide you with a quick indicator of the tide in Pwllheli. In September 2011 you will note that the tide curve is at its highest on Monday 13th, this shows that the spring tide is on that day.
High tide on springs in Pwllheli is always about 1000hrs BST (+/- 45minites) and then progresses approximately 50 minutes every day so as a rough guide high water on say 15th will be at 1200hrs +/- 1hour and approx 0800 on the 11th.
RYACW Welsh ILCA Squad
| Pontoons - Berths at Plas Heli | Camping at Plas Heli | Room Hire at Plas Heli | Other Facilities | Bar and Catering |
Plas Heli Cyf is a Community Enterprise, Not for Profit Distribution Company
Plas Heli Cyf. Glan y Don, Pwllheli, Gwynedd LL53 5YT
Catering and Bar: 01758 614 442
(only catering enquiries to this telephone number please)
Please note the office is not manned and your enquiries would be attended to more efficiently if you send an e-mail to the appropriate department - please use the appropriate link from the 'contact us' here
Company Registration No. 08082514
VAT No. GB 164061430