Plas Heli

The Welsh National Sailing Academy and Events Centre

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Tides in Pwllheli 

The Tides for today at Pwllheli are shown here.

For a longer term guide on the tides at Pwllheli please click on the month below for a day by day report .

Storage of Boats, Trailer, Caravans and Motorhomes is in the Plas Heli Main Compound, but can be on the Quayside by request).

This large main compound is secure with a perimiter fence and entry to the Main Compound is through the double gates next to the RNLI Station.  

The gate key pad code for entry and exit will be provided to all authorised users. Each customer will have their own bespoke code and they will be responsible for its safe keeping. Different user groups and events, and camping groups will have their own separate codes. 

Caravans and Motorhomes will be stored in the north west part of the compound - the main camping area. Unless otherwise instructed.

Boats and trailers will be in the east boundary unless otherwise instructed. 

Both areas have access to the electric hook-ups which will be an extra charge. (subject to our fair and acceptable usage policy)

 Please Note: 

This compound is primarily used for events, training and camping. Customers storing their vehicles and Boats/trailers must ensure that they are stored so as not to cause a danger or nusience to other compound users.

During large events we will require all areas within the main compound for the event, and you will be asked to make other arrangements for the duration of these events.

During smaller events stored items may need to be moved within the compound, and trailers may be moved off site.

Storage Ashore Terms and Conditions.



Please Proceed to the On-Line Application Form


Quick Links to Plas Heli - Facilities

| Pontoons - Berths at Plas Heli | Camping at Plas Heli | Room Hire at Plas Heli | Other Facilities | Bar and Catering |

Plas Heli Cyf is a Community Enterprise, Not for Profit Distribution Company

Contact Information

At Phone Sign Meaning Contact Web And MobilePlas Heli Cyf. Glan y Don, Pwllheli, Gwynedd LL53 5YT

Catering and Bar:        01758 614 442
(only catering enquiries to this telephone number please)

Please note the office is not manned and your enquiries would be attended to more efficiently if you send an e-mail to the appropriate department - please use the appropriate link from the 'contact us' here

Company Registration No. 08082514
VAT No. GB 164061430