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The Tides for today at Pwllheli are shown here.
For a longer term guide on the tides at Pwllheli please click on the month below for a day by day report .
The tide curve on the calendar will provide you with a quick indicator of the tide in Pwllheli. In September 2011 you will note that the tide curve is at its highest on Monday 13th, this shows that the spring tide is on that day.
High tide on springs in Pwllheli is always about 1000hrs BST (+/- 45minites) and then progresses approximately 50 minutes every day so as a rough guide high water on say 15th will be at 1200hrs +/- 1hour and approx 0800 on the 11th.
We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded the opportunity to host the 2020 edition of the RYA Youth National Championships. We will work closely with RYA, RYA Cymru Wales, Gwynedd Council and Pwllheli Sailing Club to deliver a fantastic Championship, on and off the water.
We will bring into play all of the excellent facilities at the Sailing Academy which will provide easy access to the superb racing waters of Cardigan Bay from our spacious and secure compound. The quay and pontoon facilities will enable easy and safe access to all of the safety RIBs all of which are within sight of the race command bridge on the second floor of the Academy.
Our large hall, restaurant and café/bar will be augmented by the use of our marquee and the old sailing club building so that all competitors can be accommodated comfortably.
Pwllheli has a long history of hosting major championships and the RYA Youth National Championship is one of the most prestigious events where we can see potential GBR Olympians in action and I am sure that all competitors will enjoy our special warm welcome. ”.
Read the RYA Press release here
16th and 17th May 2020
We welcome the Merlin Rockets back to Pwllheli on the weekend 16/17 May 2020 for a two day open event.
The Merlin Rocket is the ultimate hiking dinghy for two people - refined over 70 years of development.
Now an extremely modern class providing excellent racing throughout the UK.
The Results will be published on this web site
The on-line entry form and on-line payment is available >here
Follow the 'read more' link for the Notice of Race and Entry Form - entry includes an evening meal on Saturday!
Date:- 13th to 14th June 2020
Topper Nationals (ITCA-GBR Topper NS5) 2020
Who Sails:- 1 x Youth
Details :- The Topper was designed by Ian Proctor whose other boats include the ever popular Wayfarer.
It was originally constructed in GRP but this was changed quite early on to an injection moulding construction. After well over 20 years of continuous production (approaching 50,000 boats!) it is the outstanding build quality, durability and innovative design features that have made the Topper one of the most popular boats in Britain.
Anticipated - approx. 250+ competitors - racing on 3 courses: 5.3 fleet, 4.2 fleet and a regatta fleet.
Hull: lightweight and car – toppable Hull Construction: injection moulded polypropylene.
Length 3.4m - Beam 1.2m - Sail Area 5.2 sq m.
Dates : 20th to 21st June 2020
The Welsh Youth and Junior Championships is the RYA Cymru Wales premier youth and junior championship and is hosted in the Welsh National Sailing Academy and Event Centre in Pwllheli 20th to 21st June 2020
The event provides competitive racing for RYA Pathway classes within two main-fleet courses and an inshore regatta fleet which provides coached racing for those less experienced.
The event is open to any U19 competitor and all fleets will have a Open and Welsh Championship so sailors from inside Wales or elsewhere are more than welcome.
RYA Cymru Wales squad coaches will be supporting the main fleet and RYA Cymru Wales club coaches will be delivering training and coaching the regatta fleet.
The event will feature multiple classes including Optimists, Topper and Lasers and more...
The Supernova Dinghy Class Association will hold their sea event at Welsh National Academy and Events Centre on 3rd to 5th July 2020.
The Supernova is a "one design" single handed sailing dinghy of 4.3 metres length with an 8 square metre fully battened mylar sail and stayed mast.
It was originally designed and built by Mark Giles. It is now built by Hartley Boats in Derby.
25th July 2020
A Town Reggatta - and something for everyone
More information here
The 2020 Spinlock IRC Welsh National Championship will be hosted at the Welsh National Sailing Academy and Event Centre in Pwllheli.
The dates are Friday 14th August to Sunday 16th August 2020
The Notice of Race wil be available here shortly. More information here
Dechrau ar y 19 o Fedi 2020
Starting 19th September 2020
A popular and competative Series of Races in the Bay with - more information here.
This is an open event for keel boats and sport boats.
| Angorfeydd yn Plas Heli | Gwersylla yn Plas Heli | Llogi Ystafell yn Plas Heli | Cyfleusterau Eraill | Bar ac Arlwyo |
Mae Plas Heli Cyf yn Gwmni Dosbarthu Menter Gymunedol, Dielw
Plas Heli Cyf. Glan y Don, Pwllheli, Gwynedd LL53 5YT
Arlwyo a Bar: 01758 614 442
(dim ond ymholiadau arlwyo i'r rhif ffôn yma os gwelwch yn dda).
Sylwch nad oes staff yn y swyddfa ac y byddai eich ymholiadau'n cael eu trin yn fwy effeithlon pe baech yn anfon e-bost i'r adran briodol.
Defnyddiwch y ddolen briodol o'r tudalen 'Cysylltwch a Ni' .
Plas Heli Cyf Glany Don, Pwllheli, Gwynedd LL53 5YT
Cwmni Cofrestredig. Rhif: 08082514
Rhif TAW: GB 164061430