Plas Heli

Academi Hwylio Genedlaethol a Chanolfan Ddigwyddiadau

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The Community is at the heat of Plas Heli - a Community Enterprise and not for profit distribution limited company, a Voluntary Organisation with charitable aims and where surpluses are invested back into the facility for everyone's benefit.

The Centre is the home of Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC)

Our café, with disability access, provides a meeting place (formal and informal) for community groups, mother and toddler groups, Welsh learner groups, Merched y Wawr and for the elderly and many other clubs and associations

We have seven letting rooms which are used by community groups, education establishments, health authority, employment agencies and councils.

The above is in addition to the core business of providing a venue for sailing activities ranging from training to national and international championships and events.

The Academy provides facilities for community use ranging from fund raising activities, to boating experiences for local school children, the provision of a training centre for local, regional and UK sailing squads and meeting rooms for community groups and clubs. These clubs include the Local Youth Sailing, Clwb Hwylio Pwllheli Sailing Club (a registered Community Amateur Sports Club) we also assist these clubs with their on-the water activities. We also provide a home and storage facility for the Rowing Club, Paddling Club and Surfing Club.

Ashore - 

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Dolenni Cyflym Tudalennau Cyfleusterau Plas Heli

| Angorfeydd yn Plas Heli | Gwersylla yn Plas Heli | Llogi Ystafell yn Plas Heli | Cyfleusterau Eraill  | Bar ac Arlwyo |

Mae Plas Heli Cyf yn Gwmni Dosbarthu Menter Gymunedol, Dielw


Gwybodaeth Cyswllt

At Phone Sign Meaning Contact Web And MobilePlas Heli Cyf. Glan y Don, Pwllheli, Gwynedd LL53 5YT

Arlwyo a Bar:       01758 614 442
(dim ond ymholiadau arlwyo i'r rhif ffôn yma os gwelwch yn dda).

Sylwch nad oes staff yn y swyddfa ac y byddai eich ymholiadau'n cael eu trin yn fwy effeithlon pe baech yn anfon e-bost i'r adran briodol.

Defnyddiwch y ddolen briodol o'r tudalen 'Cysylltwch a Ni' .

Plas Heli Cyf Glany Don, Pwllheli, Gwynedd LL53 5YT

Cwmni Cofrestredig.  Rhif: 08082514
Rhif TAW: GB 164061430